You can cook frozen cauliflower gnocchi easily in the air fryer. Since I always forget the instructions, I am writing them down! Serve with pasta sauce...
Most people don't like SPAM®, but I love it! Being Hawaiian, I eat it quite often and this is one way I've found that others can eat and enjoy it too!...
Making your own sugar cubes is economical and fun, plus they make great homemade gifts! Wrap them in a cellophane bag tied with a pretty ribbon and you'll...
This is a sweet cake! It's an American-style vanilla butter cake (it's definitely sweet) with a fabulous cookies-and-cream frosting. You can either use...
This quinoa dish is easy, tasty, and very adaptable. You can change the veggies to just about anything you like and step up the heat if you like it spicy....
A slow cooker recipe that turns the most economical roast of beef into a tender, succulent, delicious meal. The wine really enhances the flavor of the...
Great tasting non-meatballs for spaghetti or served with a rich veggie gravy. If you don't have any egg substitute on hand, you can use 2 beaten eggs in...
This is very quick and easy dish. My brother was starving one night, so I just started throwing things in a skillet! He gave it the name and it sure is...
Simple, one-dish, roasted red cabbage meal is ready in about 30 minutes, and is a great way to use up wayward veggies. Make the recipe your own by substituting...
Red beans and potatoes pre-cooked then stewed with fresh vegetables in a 7-quart Instant Pot®. Before serving, brown miso, yeast extract, liquid smoke,...
Hash is a perfect winter meal, great for those cold days in front of the fireplace. You won't need a side dish with this meal - it includes all of my favorite...
This is an incredibly delicious and guilt-free alternative to the traditional bird, and I make it every holiday. I've even tried this out on meat eaters,...
Roasted veggies and savory halloumi cheese bake up on a sheet pan in less than 20 minutes for a no-fuss, little-mess, delicious dinner for two. This uses...
This is a delicious way to serve liver. The tarragon vinegar and lemon enhance the flavor of the liver. It's a pleasant change from liver with onions and...
This is a simple yet highly delicious fillet mignon recipe. Caraway seed, coarsely ground kosher salt and coarsely ground pepper gives this delicious cut...
A super-speedy simple supper the whole family will love. Full of Mexican flavor, but not too spicy. The ingredients are great to keep on hand in the pantry...
Brown rice, lentils, bread crumbs, onions and tomatoes are combined with eggs and herbs and baked into a vegetarian version of a mealtime favorite. Sprinkle...
I came up with this recipe for Thanksgiving to serve as a vegetarian main dish that would marry well with gravy and cranberry sauce. It hit the spot for...
I cannot eat cinnamon and there are times I miss the spice and aroma. I came up with this cinnamon sugar substitute. Enjoy this yummy sugar by sprinkling...
This was something I made one Sunday evening to use the leftover produce from the weekend. My husband liked it so much, I make it all the time now. Leftover...
I couldn't find 100% whole wheat bread crumbs in my local supermarket, so I decided to make my own. Easy and delicious! I'll never buy store-bought again....
This creamy and silky non-dairy homemade coconut yogurt is irresistible and so easy to make in your Instant Pot®; just mix your ingredients, select Yogurt...
This is a very flavorful dish that my brothers named Death By Garlic. Warning: If one person has this, you'd better all have some! Beautiful flavor and...